
Hearing Set on Plan for Universal Studios

A hearing on the proposed $1-billion expansion of Universal Studios will take place today before the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission.

Universal Studios hopes to add 3.3 million square feet of studio, hotel, office and retail space, expanding its current building space by 60%.

The expansion proposal has been a point of controversy between area residents and Universal officials.


At the core of the controversy is the subject of traffic. Some homeowner organizations, including the Studio City Residents Assn., want Universal to take steps to mitigate traffic on area streets.

Universal recently finished a study on the matter and the county Planning Commission has launched its own Barham-Cahuenga traffic study, which looks into, among other issues, constructing a southbound onramp to the Hollywood Freeway to provide direct access from Universal Studios.

Today’s hearing, the latest in a series that began in January, begins at 9 a.m. in the Los Angeles Hall of Records, 320 W. Temple St. downtown.


An article in Monday’s Times incorrectly stated that residents would be allowed to speak at the hearing. The public comment portion of the hearings ended earlier this year.
