
No Added Parking for El Dorado School

Despite student complaints, Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District officials say El Dorado High School has enough campus parking.

Students have complained about a lack of parking since the city recently placed restrictions on streets surrounding the south end of campus.

Trustee Craig Olson said a district study found ample campus parking for students, although growing enrollment might pose future problems.


The district continues to monitor the situation and is developing a plan in case it needs to expand campus parking lots, said Kim Stallings, assistant superintendent of administrative services.

Placentia city officials also have visited the school and found open parking spaces during school hours. The City Council recently approved parking restrictions on Havasu Drive, Havasu Place, Tahoe Avenue, Tahoe Drive, Shasta Way, Crowley Way and Shaver Way in response to neighborhood complaints about traffic congestion and noise from sporting and other events.
