
Glaring Weakness: Lack of Go-To Guy

Needed: a star.

The Clippers have lost several recent games in which opponents brushed them aside in the fourth quarter. If they were better defenders--they’re 29th in the league in that category--or if they had a 20-point scorer who could command double-teams and free up teammates, they’d be in better shape, but they’re still working on it.

“Like the Laker game the other night,” Coach Bill Fitch said, referring to Friday’s game in which the Clippers lost a seven-point lead in the last four minutes of regulation and lost in overtime.

“They [Lakers] have got four guys bombing from the outside and then Elden Campbell. We don’t get it [offense] from that many directions, from guys that get the shot on their own. Saturday night, Sacramento, they’re all tied up [in their game against the 76ers], the last minute of the game, you know they’re going to [Mitch] Richmond and he pops a three.


“We haven’t developed that yet. Rodney Rogers is probably the guy we go to. He’s basically an inside threat and draws a double. We’ve got some good outside spot-up shooters, but you’ve got to have guys who can get that shot on their own. Sooner or later they develop.”

Rogers is the team’s second-leading scorer at 14.6 points a game. Brent Barry leads the Clippers at 14.8.


The Clippers, who had Monday off, returned to practice Tuesday in Carson. Their next game is at Golden State on Friday.
