
Adult Business Lacks Permits, Will Not Open

An adult business that had been scheduled to begin operating within a week in Leimert Park Village will not be allowed to open because it lacks the proper permits and is in violation of city regulations, Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas said Thursday.

Certain permits and licenses can be avoided by obtaining a waiver from a Los Angeles City Council member. However, because of the nature of the business, waivers will not be granted in this case, an aide to Ridley-Thomas said.

“If the requests for permits and waivers make it as far as my desk, my answer will be ‘No. No. No,’ ” Ridley-Thomas said.


Among the violations of city regulations is that the business, which plans to sell sexually explicit videos and gifts, is located within 500 feet of a park and 500 feet of a residential area.

“This pornographer picked the wrong community,” said Ridley-Thomas. “We will not tolerate an invasion by smut shops and the riffraff they bring.”
