
School Lot to Help Ease Parking Woes on Melrose

The city will lease a parking lot from an elementary school to help alleviate parking problems that plague the Melrose Avenue shopping area.

Beginning Saturday, the lot at Melrose Avenue School will be available for public parking weekends from 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. and Fridays from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m., said Daniel Hinerfeld, a deputy to Mike Feuer.

A private company, the Eddington Corp., will operate the lot at 731 N. Detroit St., Hinerfeld said. Rates will be 55 cents per half-hour, with a $3 maximum. The flat rate after 6 p.m. is $3. The lot can hold about 50 cars, Hinerfeld said.


The parking lot lease is part of an effort to “reclaim” spaces near Melrose and Fairfax avenues, community, Hinerfeld said.

Arturo Martinez, president of the Melrose Neighborhood Assn., said he supported the attempt to help the area’s parking woes.
