
Give Police Office a Different Home

The Ventura Police Downtown-Beach Storefront at 309 E. Main St. pays monthly rent of $650, paid through donations and fund-raisers solely.

Is there any reason why the storefront could not be moved to the new parking structure being constructed? The plans could very easily be modified since it is just being built.

If you would look into the future, the presence of a police storefront in this structure would greatly alleviate the problems of vandals, gang activity and homeless people seeking refuge.


If this location is not feasible, perhaps the city would rent a space for the officers in the new multiplex theater complex.

I am sure City Council members and our voting citizens would agree that they would rather see the police officers investigating, patrolling and responding to emergencies than spending time going to the private citizens and local merchants to beg for their rent money that should already be paid by the city.



Joseph P. Reardon Funeral Home

