
After-School Programs

I could not agree more with the editorial, “Keeping Kids Safe After School” (Sept. 7). Children need a safe environment and parents need peace of mind during the critical after-school hours when crimes are most likely to occur by and against our children.

Using the LA’s BEST and Sacramento START programs as models, I am working in the U.S. Senate to make after-school programs a national priority. I have introduced the After School Education and Safety Act to create as many as 500 after-school enrichment programs nationwide for kindergarten, elementary and secondary school students.

This bill creates a win-win situation for parents, children and taxpayers. Parents will be able to count on safe, supervised after-school activities for their children. Kids will be mentored, learn job skills or enjoy recreational activities in a safe learning environment after the regular school day. And the buildings that taxpayers support will go to good use rather than remain empty after the school bell rings.


Educators, school administrators, law enforcement agents and public officials from throughout the state support after-school programs.

Once again, the California Legislature is a leader in innovative approaches to modern issues. I am working to have the national legislature embrace California’s approach to lowering juvenile crime, increasing academic performance and keeping our most precious resource--our children--safe.


