
Work to Alleviate Street Flooding Begins

Crews began an ambitious construction project Monday on Westminster Avenue between Deodara Drive and Erin Street that will add storm drains and relocate utility lines.

The improvements will help alleviate flooding problems at the intersection of Westminster and Erin. “Before the rains come, we’ll have this in,” said Jim Smith, public works director.

The $636,060 project was approved by the City Council in July. Funding will come from gas taxes.


During working hours, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., street access will be reduced from two lanes to one lane in each direction, and city officials anticipate traffic congestion.

Parking near the construction area will be restricted, but access to businesses and residences is permitted.

Smith said he hopes to get a major portion of the project completed before school starts in September at nearby Bolsa Grande High School.
