
Al Checchi

As a 30-year Northwest employee, and until three years ago a Minnesotan, I read your article about Al Checchi [Democratic candidate for governor] with an “invested” interest (Feb. 17).

I have somewhat mixed emotions on Al’s career at Northwest Airlines. While I resented the debt load the leveraged buyout put on the airline, I am convinced the team he attracted, along with the employee investments, produced a business turnaround that knows no equal in any industry. Further, most Minnesotans know an investment in the economic welfare of Northwest was an investment in the economic welfare of the state.

Will he be good for California? I believe the answer is yes. Politics as usual and the career politicians who have supported the ineffective “jobs by favor” system do not seem to have the answer. Government is a business and should be run by a proven, successful businessman--Al Checchi fits that bill.



Hermosa Beach


In the last sentence in the article Checchi is quoted as saying, “One of the things I learned in my business career is the only thing that matters is results.” Sounds a lot like “the end justifies the means,” words by which another successful raider lived on his way to power earlier in this century. Perhaps Checchi should be running for the Republican nomination.


Santa Monica
