
Antitrust Cases Could Help O.C. Companies

Patrice Apodaca covers economic issues for The Times. She can be reached at (714) 966-5979 and at [email protected]

Newport Beach attorney Nick Yocca Jr. thinks the Microsoft and Intel antitrust cases could prove beneficial to the Orange County economy.

The Justice Department contends that the software and semiconductor giants have used their monopoly powers to expand their empires by unfair means, stifling competition and innovation.

Yocca, a high-tech specialist, said the cases have set an important tone. “So far, what it has yielded is a shift in some attitudes at those companies and some others that would indicate a more open competitive environment is a great possibility,” he said. “That’s good news for local companies.”


More open competition means “there will be some great success stories that might not otherwise happen. The overall economy will benefit from that,” he said.

But Yocca also cautions that antitrust issues are not limited to large corporations. Small firms must also consider the current enforcement climate, he said, and train employees on antitrust laws and how they apply to their businesses. Acquisitions are potential problem areas, he noted, and even deals that seem like slam dunks might draw scrutiny.

Even so, the benefits of the current antitrust litigation far outweigh the negatives, he believes. However the cases are ultimately resolved, “I believe they have made a statement,” Yocca said. “It sends a message that has an immediate impact.”
