
Dog Alerts Family to Car Burglaries

Police arrested three suspected car thieves Sunday after a barking dog alerted neighbors to the burglaries, Sgt. Joe Vargas said.

Chamlong Hear, 18, of San Bernardino and two 16-year-old boys were taken into custody on suspicion of auto burglary and possession of stolen property.

The incident occurred at 12:30 a.m. Sunday in the 8200 block of Birch Tree Lane, when the suspects allegedly broke into four cars parked across from a family’s home.


The family’s 5-year-old dog, a German shepherd and Akita mix, was in a room overlooking the street and started barking, apparently spotting the activity outside, Vargas said. The barking woke family members, who went to the room, saw two people breaking into a neighbor’s car, and called police.

Officers pulled over a car moments later near the burglary scene, arresting the suspects.
