
Lack of Bids Prompts New Plan for Bridge

Saying there were too few bids, city officials will recommend the City Council reject those received for widening the Spring Road bridge and consider other potentially cheaper designs.

A staff report, to be presented during the council’s Wednesday night meeting, indicates the Moorpark Public Works Department was not satisfied that only three bids were received.

“It was anticipated that more bids would be received and that the city would have benefited from the increased competition,” Kenneth Gilbert, public works director, said in his report to the council.


The project is to strengthen and widen the Spring Road bridge to bring it up to state traffic standards.

Another reason the staff suggests asking for new bids at a later date is that the winter and spring storms delayed construction of Science Drive, between New Los Angeles Avenue and Peach Hills Road. That road was slated to be the main detour during the bridge construction.

The staff suggests council members allow them to prepare a report by August to discuss the pros and cons of redesigning the bridge, which could save the city money.
