
Siegman on Israel

In a longish commentary (June 8) purporting to lament the commonplace pusillanimity of the clan-ruled Arab states who welcome, applaud and fete terrorists like Hamas, Henry Siegman commences with the usual Netanyahu-bashing and accuses Congress and the American Jewish community of pandering to what he considers anti-peaceniks. The clue to his hypocrisy may be found in his statement that “critics of U.S. policy should look at their own behavior first, for it is no less destructive of . . . peace . . . than is American behavior.”

On the contrary, it is far more destructive. Siegman is to be classified as another of those many fools who have wrung their hands in sympathy for those who lost all five wars against Israel since 1948, who lose no opportunity, even when criticizing its Arab assailants, to attack Israel’s elected leadership at the outset of their canting arguments. Israel does not need Arabs for its enemies when it has such fools for friends.


Santa Monica
