
Older of Born-Apart Twins Home With Family

Michael Jeffrey Abbott, the older of fraternal twins born three weeks apart, joined his family at home Monday.

The Coto de Caza family once again celebrated at UCI Medical Center as the hospital gave the OK to release the 4-pound, 7-ounce infant.

His twin, Kenneth Roy, went home last week. Both boys, born prematurely, are healthy, doctors said.


Oftentimes, when babies are born too early, they suffer brain damage or physical disorders, Dr. Manuel Porto said.

The Abbotts had none and, in medical literature, their case marked the second-longest interval between twin deliveries in which both babies survived without severe complications, he said.

Lori Abbott gave birth to Michael on April 9. He was 15 weeks premature and weighed only 1.6 pounds. Kenneth was born April 30, weighing 2 pounds, 2 ounces.


“Michael’s home now,” the twins’ father, Robert, said. “They’re doing well and we’re glad they’re both home.”
