
Storm Damage Help

Anyone whose property has suffered storm-related damage in one of the 35 counties declared federal disaster areas--including Orange and Los Angeles counties--may qualify for federal emergency assistance. For information, call FEMA at (800) 462-9029, or (800) 462-7585 for the hearing impaired. Phones are answered seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Besides your name and address, operators will need an insurance policy number and any information to substantiate the losses. An inspector will be assigned to assess damages within three days. Qualified applicants can expect a check within seven to 10 days.

To check a contractor’s license number, call the Contractors State License Board at (800) 321-CSLB. For problems or questions about local contractors, call the contractors board at (310) 412-6995.


The agency also operates a fraud web site at
