
Driver Held in Crash That Injures 3

A family was injured Friday night when a drunk driver ran a red light and slammed into their car, police said.

Carlos Aguilar, 49, of Rowland Heights, was arrested and charged with felony drunk driving and two counts of driving with a suspended license, said Sgt. Phil Dascenzi. Aguilar’s license had been suspended once before for driving while under the influence of alcohol, Dascenzi said.

Romulo Ruedas had just exited the 91 Freeway southbound onto Beach Boulevard shortly after 9:30 p.m. and was driving through a green light when Aguilar “blew the red light . . . and hit the family,” Dascenzi said.


Ruedas, one of his 7-year-old twins and a 7-month-old baby were admitted to UCI Medical Center in Orange.

Ruedas was due to be discharged late Saturday afternoon, a hospital spokesperson said; the two children were in stable condition.
