
Officials Study 4 Properties for Purchase as Nature Preserve

Rancho Palos Verdes city officials are reviewing four pieces of property for possible purchase with the $4 million in parks preservation funds they have received from a voter-approved county bond measure.

The four properties include a 14-acre parcel in Windport Canyon, a 240-acre property in the western portion of Abalone Cove, a 427-acre undeveloped area above the Portuguese Bend active landslide area and a 100-acre property in the Barkentine area.

Assistant City Manager Carolynn Petru said the funds are earmarked for land that is undeveloped. She said the city is looking in areas that have natural habitat or the potential for it.


“Should we choose to purchase any of the properties they will remain open space,” Petru said. “There is a possibility of building passive recreational uses like trails but the intent is to keep the land in its natural condition.”
