
Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

* The recent overt “nuclearism” by India and what is to surely follow by Pakistan illustrates the bankrupt Cold War concept of nonproliferation, as defined by the major nuclear powers. The inability of the United States to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty while it attempts to dictate terms to a nation of 1 billion people speaks for itself. No, what is needed is a new way of thinking for the 21st century.

Jonathan Schell’s monograph (Nation, February 1998, “The Gift of Time”) eloquently calls for a new abolition movement--the elimination of all nuclear weapons by all nations for all time. There will never be a guarantee that nuclear weapons will not be used as long as they exist.

We humans have been given another gift--the ability to think rationally and envision a better future. We just have to use this gift in the time that we have been given--before it’s too late!



Member, Los Angeles Physicians

for Social Responsibility



* Re your May 14 editorial: Wow! MFN for China, a communist country with a nuclear weapons stockpile, poor human rights record, suspected of supplying nuclear and other defense technology to other so-called rogue states. Billions in aid to Russia, which probably holds the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. But the stiffest sanctions for India, which for decades advocated total eradication of nuclear weapons. Where do you think India might have got the notion that bullying pays?

Since you have shown the courage to preach to India how it should clean up the environment and focus on education, how about spreading that wisdom to some of our neighboring countries south of the border. After all, conditions in Mexico and Central America are starkly similar.


Trabuco Canyon


* Don’t the Indians know that the United States has enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire world 10 times over? So why waste your time and money on all these tests? Just kiss up to our government and we will blow away your enemies. Ain’t that so, Bill?



Los Angeles
