
Group Plans Push to Limit Alcohol, Tobacco Ad Space

About 50 people are expected to attend the City Council meeting tonight to call for new measures that would abolish self-service cigarette machines and limit outdoor and storefront alcohol and tobacco ads.

The Tobacco Education, Action and Mobilization Collaborative will ask city officials to adopt an ordinance restricting outdoor advertising of alcohol and tobacco similar to the one adopted in September by the Los Angeles City Council.

The Los Angeles ordinance prohibits outdoor advertising of alcohol and tobacco within 1,000 feet of residential areas, schools, parks, playgrounds, entertainment centers and places of worship.


“A survey showed that 95% of all 5-year-olds recognize Joe Camel as much as Mickey Mouse,” said Kim Rosanski, a health educator with the Mission City Community Network, one of six nonprofit organizations in the collaborative seeking the measures. “There’s a lot of advertising up in front of children, and they’re really, really impacted by it.”

The meeting is at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 117 N. MacNeil St.
