
White House Scandal

Re “OK, He Did It. Now Let’s Move On” by Henry Waxman, Commentary, Oct. 2:

Waxman says the president’s conduct is a score of adjectives; he ignores the only adjective that counts. Illegal!

When Waxman votes against full discovery of all charges against our president, he will show himself to be partisan. He will be guilty of the same charges leveled against Trent Lott.

Mr. Waxman, you need to realize that you are fighting against good when you want to continue dealing with an admitted liar. Perjury is more than “a serious matter.” It is illegal.





How gullible do the Washington spinmeisters working for Hillary Clinton think we are? Now after the initial uproar has died down concerning Bill’s indiscretions being made public, the Rodham-Clinton PR machine rolls out a story that the first lady believed Big Bill was only “ministering to a troubled young person” (Oct. 1). After a long and well-documented history of her husband’s womanizing habits, Hillary is either far more naive and gullible than she believes the public to be or she is a liar. You can’t have it both ways.


Los Angeles


However we may personally judge Monica Lewinsky’s character and conduct, the fact remains that she is a citizen of the United States of America. I have yet to hear of a single congressman consulting with her or her attorneys and obtaining her specific consent before seizing her sex life, personality and private correspondence and pouring them onto the Internet. Every letter and every article printed on the “Lewinsky matter” is logically predicated on the alarming notion that Congress has the constitutional power not just to make laws, but to invade citizens’ privacy for political purposes.

If the congressional Republicans want to be truly conservative, they will stop the matter now for that reason alone.



North Hollywood
