
Truth in U.S.

* Re “Mexico Deserves the Truth,” editorial, Oct. 12: I find it ironic that you comment on an issue that only the Mexican people should deal with. You claim that the U.S. Freedom of Information Act is a model to emulate. This is the same Freedom of Information Act that has exposed the truth with respect to: the assassination of President Kennedy, the covert war of the CIA in Vietnam, assassination attempts on Fidel Castro, the death of Che Guevara, the truth about U.S. intervention in Latin America, Iran-Contra, how Panama was stolen from Colombia to build the Panama Canal, the truth about the annexation of half of the Mexican Northwest (now the U.S. Southwest), the annexation of Hawaii and Manifest Destiny (imperialism).

To borrow a cliche from a movie, the fact is that the U.S. government never tells the truth, because in America we can’t handle the truth.


Los Angeles
