
Toll-Free Number Would Help Enforce Smoking Ban

Los Angeles bar owners would have to post a sign with a toll-free number to report illegal smoking under an ordinance recommended Monday by a City Council panel.

The council’s Public Safety Committee also called for $306,000 be allocated to pay for the Fire Department’s stepped-up enforcement of a ban on smoking in bars.

Councilwoman Laura Chick said the new measures will address those, including herself, who felt the city was not carrying out the voters’ will with a tough enforcement program.


“It looks like we have a program that we have every reason to believe will be many times more effective than what we’ve had in place,” Chick said.

About 100 people call the city attorney’s office monthly to complain of smoking in bars.

The new ordinance requires bar and tavern owners to post a sign bearing a toll-free phone number--(888) 333-0730--people can call to report violations of the smoking ban.

The ordinance also designates the Fire Department as the agency to enforce the ordinance.

The ordinance goes to the full City Council for approval before it takes effect.
