
Not Seeing Eye to Eye

The romantic among us like to think that all married men look up to their wives. Gary Nourse certainly does.

Nourse, 30, an engineer in Salem, N.H., stands 5 feet even; his wife, Sherri, a 32-year-old administrative assistant, is 10 inches taller, a difference that attracts stares on the street and the dance floor.

Nourse set up the Taller Women and Shorter Men Web site 18 months ago to offer couples of mixed altitude a place to swap notes, complaints and coping methods. It also includes a bulletin board for lonely hearts.


“I wanted to bring together couples that may be like my wife and I,” Nourse said. Things haven’t quite worked out that way. “I’d say 99% of the hits are from guys looking for taller women. I was hoping for an even mix, but I get lots of mail from men asking me for a list of women to date, or how they can join the club. [But] there is no club.”

Despite the unexpected response, Nourse intends to keep the site up and running. The Web site address is
