
Holding Clinton to Letter of the Law

<i> Associated Press</i>

William Preston Summers is getting a lot of attention for lying, but the 8-year-old wants another William--as in William Jefferson Clinton--to know that lying is wrong.

During an appearance Monday on ABC-TV’s “Good Morning America,” William said he doesn’t think President Clinton should be removed from office. “I still like him because of all his education--the schools and stuff,” he said. “I don’t think he should be impeached. Just have to write, like, an essay. Like I did.”

The Chicago boy wrote a letter to Rep. Henry J. Hyde (R-Ill.) as punishment for a fib to his parents. Hyde, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, read it Saturday on the Senate floor to sum up the case for removing Clinton from office.


William’s father, Bobby Summers, 31, a graduate student in political science, suggested the letter to Hyde when father and son were watching news of the impeachment proceedings.
