
Set Limits for Mittermeier

* What is happening with the management of this county? I thought Jan Mittermeier was county executive officer, not queen.

Have we no human resources policies regarding termination or replacement of employees with which she must comply?

Generally, a well-run company wouldn’t think of terminating or transferring an employee without clear, measurable, defendable reasons.


Mittermeier’s reasons for switching John Sibley, head of the Public Facilities and Resources Department, are not only unmeasurable, but absurd.

Just what is an “unwieldy management organization?” How does one measure “lack of vision?” And how does “lack of vision” prevent one from doing one’s job well today?

Mittermeier needs to be reined in--or taken out of her position. Supervisor Charles V. Smith is concerned about Mittermeier resigning if her contract is changed. Let her resign. We would all be better off.


There are many qualified people who are able to run our county government without becoming monarchs. At the very least, Mittermeier needs a written admonishment to go into her file.

If the county ever wishes to follow its own human resources policies, Mittermeier can be removed based on her performance, not at someone’s whim.


Laguna Niguel
