
Lamps From Their Den to Yours

A beary clever idea--hibernating bears who can light up the den, or any room in the house for that matter. Lumibear lamps come in two versions: the 23-inch standing bear ($99) and the 14-inch sitting bear ($80). (Apparently he was tired of standing.)

The ursiform light fixtures, made of plastic, are available in six colors. Choose from green, yellow, red, orange, blue and white (as in polar bear, of course).

Bear with us. We have to mention other bear gear--like the lawn ornaments, which aren’t currently available but which will make their way to the U.S. from Germany sometime in the summer.


You (and your teddy bear) might like to visit the Lumibears. If so, they have taken up temporary residence at In House, 7370 Beverly Blvd., L.A.; (323) 931-4420.

Call (888) 464-9296 for more information from the distributor of Lumibear, Yayo Designs.
