
The Great Outdoors, and Great Art, in D.C.

Washington, D.C., visitors looking for some celebrated art, or just a place to cool their heels, got a new outdoor hangout last week: the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden.

The 6-acre area, next to the gallery’s West building at Seventh Street and Constitution Avenue N.W. on the National Mall, presents 20 works by modern greats such as Claes Oldenburg, Roy Lichtenstein, Alexander Calder and Tony Smith.

The garden is landscaped with canopy trees, flowering shrubs and perennials and equipped with marble benches and walking paths. It is built around a refurbished reflecting pool and fountain that becomes an ice skating rink in winter. Later this summer, a year-round cafe with indoor seating is to open in the area’s rebuilt pavilion.


The National Gallery of Art is open daily. Admission is free. Telephone (202) 737-4215.
