

Pileups on Alton Parkway regularly plague motorists trying to get from central Irvine to the Irvine Spectrum every morning.

But with the long-awaited opening of Barranca Parkway through the village of Oak Creek scheduled for Nov. 19, city officials hope these traffic snarls will become a thing of the past.

The new, $2.75-million leg of Barranca will have two lanes in each direction, connecting Jeffrey Road and Sand Canyon Avenue. It is expected to carry 20,000 to 30,000 vehicles a day within the next 20 years, said Peter Anderson, the city’s senior transportation analyst.


The Barranca connector should alleviate heavy traffic on Alton by providing a continuous route from Red Hill Avenue near Tustin to Bake Parkway at the Irvine Spectrum, said Ken Louie, city traffic engineer.

Motorists currently traveling on Barranca must detour to Alton or Irvine Center Drive to drive east of Jeffrey Road.
