
Guidance in the Quest for a Baby

Many infertility doctors have written good books on the topic. But most pale in comparison to this authoritative text by experts from Resolve, the patient education and support organization for infertile couples. The book deals evenly with the many medical and psychological issues that arise in dealing with infertility, such as treatment options, problems in relationships and coping with failed treatments. Resolve is dedicated to presenting information without bias toward particular choices and options, which makes this a valuable guide. Readers will also appreciate the personal accounts of infertility woven through the text.

TALKING WITH CHILDREN ABOUT LOSS Words, Strategies and Wisdom to Help Children Cope With Death, Divorce and Other Difficult Times by Maria Trozzi with Kathy Massimini. Berkley Publishing Group $13.50, 311 pages


One of the things adults generally don’t do well is cope with grief and loss. It’s no wonder then that children faced with grief and loss receive very little productive advice from the adults in their lives. This isn’t a very realistic approach, considering that all humans suffer loss and need to learn to cope in ways that preserve physical and emotional health.


Children, more than ever, are exposed to loss and grief, and need healthy coping mechanisms as well. This book, by an assistant professor of pediatrics at Boston University, is a thorough guide to the subject of helping children. It advocates teaching children to deal effectively with grief and loss instead of trying to shield them from pain. Readers will better understand the ways that children view death, divorce and other losses. Adults will also learn techniques to help children mourn and how to be role models for healthy mourning.
