
City Delays Action on Golf Course Lease

The Los Angeles City Council agreed Tuesday to consider taking the city-owned Van Nuys Golf Course away from a private operator and turning it over to the city Recreation and Parks Department.

The council delayed final action on a proposed Van Nuys Golf Course Partners four-year lease extension until Dec. 8. That will give city parks officials time to recommend whether to take over the facility or to have competitive bids for the first time in 34 years.

“The Department of Recreation and Parks has an excellent track record in running more golf courses than any other entity in the United States other than L.A. County,” said Councilwoman Laura Chick, whose district includes the city airports department property.


At a City Council meeting held in Van Nuys on Tuesday, Chick also asked parks officials to come up with ideas for expanding youth golf programs at the facility.

The councilwoman said she felt uneasy about granting the lease extension without competitive bids.

“To keep renewing a contract for the same provider for 34 years without going out to bid is something that, before I’m going to support it, I need to hear more about it,” Chick said.


City airport officials said they recommended the lease extension because the private operator has agreed to install a reclaimed-water irrigation system at the golf course for no cost to the city. In addition, the operator has agreed to give the city a larger share of food and alcohol sales revenue.

Representatives of the golf course did not return calls for comment Tuesday, but have said the lease extension is a good deal for the city.
