
College Faculty Senates in Fight With Chancellor

The faculty senates at Irvine Valley and Saddleback colleges vow to fight in court, if necessary, a suggested policy change aimed at reducing their power and giving the Board of Trustees more say over academic matters.

The change, proposed by Chancellor Cedric Sampson, could cause even more friction in the already tense relationship between the faculties and the South Orange County Community College District board.

Sampson’s recommendation would change the senates’ role from “authority over” academic and professional matters to “responsibility for advising the board” on those matters.


The change in wording would essentially take power away from the faculty and give the board more influence over academic programs, said Anne Cox, Saddleback senate president.

“The Academic Senate in no way accepts the changes the chancellor proposed,” she said.

Sampson has not formally presented the recommendation to the trustees and may not do so until next year. But, he said, the change reflects the board’s desire to regain its “appropriate authority.”

“The board felt it delegated too much authority to the faculties and it needs to clarify and correct some of the policies,” Sampson said.
