
God Still Plays a Role in Public

* Re “Prayer Memo Alarms School,” Nov. 13:

I believe some people in the American Civil Liberties Union need a better understanding of the existence of God and the legacy of our forefathers, and an understanding of diverse religions, religious beliefs or lack thereof among some in these United States.

God has not been eliminated from public U.S. monetary currency.

God has not been eliminated from the Pledge of Allegiance. The Bible has not been eliminated from official swearing and testimony.

God has not been eliminated from the daily start of the United States Congress--a good example for the children and for public school authorities and teachers in the United States.


God has not been eliminated from official federal documents and the Constitution of the United States.

God has not been eliminated from the U.S. Supreme Court; we are still three branches of government in one nation under God.

God has not been eliminated from the ACLU.


Mission Viejo
