
Violence Survivors

Reading “Children’s Legacy of Violence” (Sept. 28) wrenched my spirit. As LAUSD’s Roosevelt High School pupil services and attendance counselor, I see and interact with these young survivors. I observe them walking to and from school--many constantly looking over their shoulders. Tragedy after tragedy, I overhear students as they huddle among themselves on campus. Most exchanges rally around the victim and are thoughtful, sensitive and caring. Others speak of their admiration for the perpetrator.

Countering problems due to violence takes effort, planning and commitment. It takes united, hands-on, in-depth interaction at the ground level. Parents, students, teachers and support staff in proactive action--rather than reactive, defensive action. Adopting a unified philosophy and integrating it in professional development, training and awareness classes. It takes schools utilizing their resources more effectively. Trading paperwork for time to teach students. Talking to one another and expanding communication among all school community members. Taking responsibility for one another. When we incorporate these elements, we are dealing with the root of the problem and the manifestations must crumble.


Los Angeles
