
Group Sees Surge in Gun-Lock Giveaway

A group trying to eliminate violence and drugs in the community gave away 100 cable locks to gun owners in the last week.

Faith Connection, based in the North Oxnard United Methodist Church, developed the program in August but had few takers until a week ago, when the Port Hueneme police station agreed to become a giveaway site.

Police Chief Stephen Campbell said Tuesday he was surprised the giveaway took off like it did in Port Hueneme.


“I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t think they would go that fast,” Campbell said, explaining he thought people might be reluctant to come to the police station to pick up a lock.

That was not the case.

“We went through them in a week,” Campbell said. “That’s a good thing.”

Now the department is trying to find a way to buy more locks.
