
Board Votes to Streamline School Literacy Programs

Seeking to enhance student literacy, the Los Angeles Board of Education has approved a streamlined approach to reading instruction programs at low achieving schools.

The board voted Tuesday to reduce the number of programs from nearly a dozen to three.

Those approved--Success for All, Reading Mastery and Open Court--will be installed in phases beginning in the 1999-2000 school year at campuses scoring below the 50th percentile in second and third grade reading on the Stanford 9 exams. The board made the decision at its meeting Tuesday.

The board has not identified funding for the three-year, $109-million effort beyond the first year.


But Deputy. Supt. Liliam Castillo assured that the Los Angeles Unified School District was “committed to finding the funds” for the programs, which will eventually serve as many as 350,000 students.
