
The Road to Sacrilege

I took my children to see “The Road to El Dorado.” The most offensive thing happened early on. The evil Cortes threateningly growls, “I’ve picked my crew as carefully as Christ picked His 12 apostles!” As a Christian, I was (and am) deeply offended that my savior and redeemer was equated with Cortes. Perhaps the artists at DreamWorks have failed to read the teachings of Christ. (Cortes’ ignorance and cruelty doesn’t justify theirs.)

The film was downhill from there. The hero having sexual intercourse with the temple thief. (No, not shown, but obvious.) An evil monster eating people and having them dangle out of his mouth. (Can’t they do better than a repeat of “Jurassic Park”?)

Our 5-year-old was the first to say, “This isn’t a good movie, let’s go.” Then our 8-year-old and finally our 11-year-old agreed. As we left, she asked, “Was that about the Aztec or the Mayan?” I replied, “Oh, supposedly the Aztec, except they threw in the Mayan and Olmec too.” What Cortes didn’t destroy of the Native American culture, DreamWorks did.



