
Smith, Silva, Coad: Out of Touch

* Re “O.C. Bucking Voter Will on Tobacco Fund,” Nov. 20:

The same three supervisors, Chuck Smith, Jim Silva and Cynthia P. Coad, once again decided that Orange County voters’ choices are meant to be ignored. In the same fashion as these three ignored the voters’ overwhelming majority decision on Measure F, and not only pressed forward with their plans for an airport, but also filed suit against Measure F, we now see the same mentality in action with Measure H.

Although a clear majority of voters, 65%, voted to pass Measure H, Smith, Silva and Coad want to do what they want to do, and will try to spend the tobacco money as the three of them see fit before the measure takes effect, and will fight voters again in court.

I have to wonder: Since these three supervisors care nothing for what Orange County voters choose, who is pulling their strings?



Aliso Viejo


* The connection appears to be obvious! I second any motion for recall of Smith, Silva and Coad.


San Juan Capistrano


* Once again, Board Chairman Chuck Smith and his fellow supervisors, Cynthia P. Coad and Jim Silva, have taken deliberate actions against the will of their Orange County constituents.

Their recent actions, to once again spend our hard-earned money by contesting the 65% voter-approved Measure H, is by now not sensational anymore. Their continued demonstrated contempt for their constituents and their arrogant all-knowing stance is by now recognized as the norm.


The unmitigated gall of Smith, by advising that he is unafraid of the political consequences of the board’s action, further exacerbated by his quote: “I feel that I owe the people of Orange County the fiduciary responsibility in handling the taxpayers’ money and not take the most politically expedient route,” is the height of arrogance and insulting to the voters of Orange County.

Smith and his ilk need a lesson in democracy and a reminder that in our country, we value and honor the concept that ours is a government by the people and for the people.

In this regard he has failed us miserably and serious consideration should be given to his recall.



Lake Forest
