

A San Diego County judge on Tuesday ordered Orange County to revise its air-pollution analysis for a proposed airport at the closed El Toro Marine base--the second time the judge has faulted the county’s environmental review. The county has until Feb. 22 to respond.

The county’s analysis found that two-thirds of the pollutants generated by the airport would come from vehicles on the ground and one-third from the aircraft. The county cannot limit aircraft emissions, so it has proposed to use alternative fuel in ground vehicles to reduce the overall pollutants to an “insignificant” level, said Bryan Speegle, head of El Toro environmental planning for Orange County.

Attorney Rich Jacobs, who successfully challenged the county’s environmental findings on behalf of eight anti-airport South County cities, argued that the county failed to provide enough specifics. The judge agreed.


“Nothing in the record supports the [county’s] conclusion that the air pollution generated . . . will be mitigated to a level less than significant,” Judge Judith McConnell ruled.
