
Republican Central Committee Candidates

Re “GOP Divided Over Central Committee Candidates,” Feb. 10.

As a member of the Republican Central Committee and a Reagan conservative, I am appalled at Bob Larkin’s vilification of Tony Strickland and aspiring RCC members as “anti-women, anti-gay, anti-immigrant and anti-minority.” Larkin’s statement reminds me of Hillary Clinton and her “vast right-wing conspiracy” theory!

Even if his charges were true--and they aren’t--this is a violation of Reagan’s 11th commandment, “Speak no evil of fellow Republican,” and gives the Democrats ample ammunition to torpedo the Strickland candidacy. Larkin, a failed Assembly candidate defeated by conservative Tom McClintock in 1996, certainly knew this.

I do know Tony Strickland and find him to be pro-family, pro-Second Amendment rights, pro-life and against gay marriage. He has done more minority outreach than most (ask Dr. Bill Anderson, an African American member of the RCC about this).


Larkin’s major frustration is the pro-life stance of the national and state Republican platforms. The latter states, “The [California Republican Party] affirms its support for the protection of innocent human life at every stage from preborn to the elderly, the infirm and the disabled.” Does Mr. Larkin truly believe this statement is the key problem of our recently failed elections?

It is my conviction that education, campaign finance, tax cuts, the economy, health care, family life, missile defense and moral relativism (the Clinton fiasco) are the issues people are debating.

Abortion is one issue, not the issue.




Editor’s note: March 1 is the last day The Times Ventura County Edition will publish letters concerning the March 7 election.
