
Boy Scouts and Gays

* Regarding Paul Conrad’s knot cartoon (Commentary, July 7), does he imply the Boy Scouts of America want to lynch gays or that Scouts will hang themselves because of their core beliefs? Well, in either case, he is wrong.

A majority of our population thinks the same. The proof? I had the pleasure of helping a Boy Scout contingent carry a U.S. garrison flag in the Huntington Beach Fourth of July parade. Of the throngs lining the street I heard only one negative remark. Instead, I saw thousands upon thousands of people give the Scouts and the U.S. flag a standing ovation.

Are the Boy Scouts out of touch with society? No.


Seal Beach


I have read that only 1% of all Boy Scouts ever achieve the top rank of Eagle Scout. I just happen to be one of these Eagle Scouts, which I earned through merit, hard work and community service. However, after my teenage and college years I discovered that I was gay and silently withdrew as a Boy Scout merit badge counselor, even though I was an Eagle Scout and now a National Teachers Exam certified teacher and a credentialed school counselor.


With the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision, all my merit and achievements stand for nothing. I ask every school board in the country not to allow the Boy Scouts or any similar organization that discriminates on the basis of status to use taxpayer-funded schools or buildings for their meetings, since they do not adhere to unconditional acceptance of all future Eagle Scouts.


West Hollywood
