
O.C. Bankruptcy Filings

These companies and/or individuals recently filed for liquidation (Chapter 7) or reorganization (Chapter 11 or 13) in federal Bankruptcy Court in Santa Ana.

Petitioner: Christopher Eugene Sheldon

Location: Huntington Beach

Listed business affiliation: Wright Way Hull Cleaning

Type of business: Boat cleaning

Filing: Chapter 7

Assets: $64,468

Liabilities: $54,053

Case number: 13568 RA

Petition signed by: Christopher Eugene Sheldon

Date filed: 5-2-00


Petitioner: Eric Lee Foss

Location: Huntington Beach

Listed business affiliation: d.b.a. Deluxe Screenprinting, d.b.a. 40 Below Snowboards

Type of business: NA

Filing: Chapter 7

Assets: $2,540

Liabilities: $163,920

Case number: 13578 LR

Petition signed by: Eric Lee Foss

Date filed: 5-3-00

Key: d.b.a.--doing business as. f.d.b.a.--formerly doing business as. f.k.a.--formerly known as. f.a.w.--formerly associated with. a.k.a.--also known as.
