
An Occasional Look at Innovative, Unusual and Inspiring Work Spaces

Where: 11th-floor tower office, Hollywood First National Bank building, circa 1927, on Hollywood Boulevard.

* Who: William Mutual, founder and chairman,

* Details: 360-degree views, perimeter balcony, 4-foot gargoyles.

* Trivia: Building was Daily Planet in old “Superman” television series. Mutual’s balcony was the perch from which the journalist-turned-hero took flight.

* Benefits: Mutual uses the balcony as a vantage point for Webcasting such events as movie premieres at the Mann’s Chinese and El Capitan theaters below.


* Best part: “The light is fantastic. The gargoyles are my friends,” Mutual says.


If you think you’ve got an interesting work space, write Work Place, Business Section, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012, or e-mail [email protected].
