
Landfill Operators Cite Compliance

The operators of Sunshine Canyon Landfill said Tuesday they are complying with warnings by air quality officials to fix leaks of methane gas from the controversial dump north of Granada Hills.

The South Coast Air Quality Management District this month issued two notices of violation to Browning Ferris Industries Inc. (BFI) for improper excavation work, and four “notices to comply” asking the landfill operator to discontinue allowing raw landfill gas emissions exceeding state standards.

“What they are saying just means a little gas has escaped,” said Arnie Bergoff, a spokesman for BFI. “Should any gas have escaped? No. But we are fixing it and people were never in danger.”


Kim Thompson of the North Valley Coalition said the notices are proof the expanding landfill is operated in a sloppy way. The coalition has sued to block expansion of the landfill, accusing the city of Los Angeles with failing to adequately consider the negative environmental effects of the dump. A court hearing on the lawsuit is scheduled for Oct. 31.
