
Strategies Offered for Dealing With Kids

Parents and teachers will get lessons in how to keep their cool during a series of seminars presented by Conejo Valley Adult School.

About 500 parents were expected Wednesday night to hear educational speaker and author Nancy Samalin give advice about what to do when their children drive them crazy.

“There is a strong need for parent education and parent support,” said Georgette McBreen, who teaches parenting and is coordinator of the lecture series. “There is not a lot that is available locally for parents. . . . Parents are looking for this kind of thing.”


Tonight, Samalin will address teachers, who have kids pushing their buttons all day, McBreen said.

The series helps adults deal with the anger and frustration they sometimes feel when dealing with children. The lectures for teachers have been around for just a year, McBreen said, adding that the parenting segments have become popular.

“Now we’re turning people away,” she said.

The next lecture is Nov. 15 and will cover monitoring kids’ development through their drawings.


For information about tonight’s session for teachers or future parenting lectures, call (805) 492-8837 or (805) 497-2761.
