

Fits the Bill: “Geraldo Rivera is thinking about running for mayor of New York next year. He’s loud, obnoxious and egotistical. Sounds like he’s qualified. . . .” (Daily Scoop)

Setting a Spark: “The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers endorsed Ralph Nader for U.S. president. Talk about ingratitude. . . . How many people does George W. Bush have to execute before the electrical workers come around his way?” (Argus Hamilton)

Breaking Free: “ABC announced it will be airing a new reality-based series in which people try to break out of jail. . . . I believe the first episode will star Frank Gifford.” (Rudolph J. Cecera)


On the Job: “It’s been announced that Prince William will be taking a year off before going to school at St. Andrew’s in Scotland. Or, as Prince Charles calls it, an ‘occupation.’ ” (Andrew Wisot)

Name Recognition: “TV journalist Geraldo Rivera wants to run for mayor of New York City. He said he has an advantage because he has ‘one-name recognition, like Elvis, Lassie and Oprah.’ . . . Just imagine the support some other one-name people would drum up--Hitler, Manson . . . the Unabomber.” (Jerry Perisho)

Got a joke? Send it to Laugh Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Southern California Living, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, 90012.
