
Oxnard Airport Convenience, Noise

Re “Turbulence Over Oxnard Airport Intensifies,” Sept. 10.

This article quoted Tim Riley as saying, “That airport has no business in our present or future.”

My question to Mr. Riley is, “Who is ‘our’?” What about the business the airport has developed and could develop for the area? The payrolls and taxes it generates? The service it brings to the area?

Terry Rossi, who is a newcomer, is quoted as saying, “I would rather see houses there. It is easy to drive to Burbank Airport.”


How many times has he made this time-consuming and frustrating drive? Burbank Airport does not have the kind of flights many are looking for. How about the loss of open space and all the additional vehicle traffic many new houses would create?




Two and a half years ago, we decided to purchase our second home at The Pointe, a residential tract directly across from Oxnard Airport. We are astounded to hear that some of our neighbors are complaining about the airport, which has been around longer than most of the homes.

Yes, there are times when the larger planes are a little noisy for a few seconds as they take off and land, and we would presume that reasonable hours for takeoffs and landing by these planes could be worked out. We also assume that these neighbors who are complaining are the same ones who complain about kids playing in the street or dogs that occasionally bark during the day.


There are individuals who live near busy intersections with constant noise from automobiles or people who live near the train tracks. Should we shut down all the traffic and trains as well?

The individuals in our city government who complain of the lack of space for schools are the same ones who are approving the explosion of housing developments in Oxnard. These homes are bringing more families with children who, of course, will need more schools.

The shortsightedness of our elected officials on this issue amazes us.



