
Adding Child to Title Can End in Trouble

Regarding “Addition of Son as Joint Tenant Will Simplify Transfer of Title” (by Ilyce R. Glink, Dec. 24): While that can be correct if all things go without a hitch, putting a child’s name on the title to your home can be very costly.

In my practice, for example, I was consulted by a widow who had placed her son’s name on the title of her home. When she decided to sell the house, the son agreed to sign off, but he was in a divorce action and the son’s wife would not sign.

I have another case where the mother put all four of her children on the title to her home. Now she wants to make other arrangements but two of the children refuse to deed the property back to her.


In another case, the mother put her son’s name on title, only to discover that he had liens by the IRS and other creditors.

While a joint tenancy with a child may simplify passage of title on death of the parent, it is not always the best thing to do. In many cases a living trust will accomplish the same thing with none of the hazards.



The writer is an attorney.
