
‘Fine-Tuning’ of Police Radio System a Cop-Out

Re “O.C. Grand Jury Sees Safety Threat in Police Radio System,” May 4:

As a police sergeant assigned to patrol for the city of Huntington Beach, I am well aware of the problems facing police agencies, including my own, with the new 800-MHz police radio system. Dead spots (including areas in our own station), garbled communications and wildly fluctuating volumes are everyday occurrences.

What really upsets me about your article is the statement by Allan Roeder, chairman of the county committee overseeing the project, that until technicians are done fine-tuning the complex equipment, officials have no way of knowing whether the radio system is flawed, as the grand jury suggests.

His statement is a slap in the face to Orange County law enforcement. Why should I or any other law enforcement officer go out onto the streets with a radio system that still needs to be “fine-tuned”? Maybe Roeder and the rest of the people on his committee would like to get on an airplane whose engines still need fine-tuning.


Irwin Feuerstein

Huntington Beach
