
Greasing the Hand That Feeds You

Re”Freebies Give Firms Access to Legislators,” May 6: It was disheartening to read how extensively our public officials line up or willingly accept gratuities. The word “access” is diplomatic; it is clearly influence that gifts buy. The electorate knows what these gifts really are. The givers and takers know that the gifts are influence-peddling, despite the tortured explanations offered. No wonder voter turnout is so low; many people feel that all politicians are the same. Despite that view, there are many honorable men and women in government. I hope they will be heard on this issue.

I, too, am a public official, albeit a minor one. I am a police sergeant. The last stranger who offered me a gift was a drunk driver who didn’t want to be arrested. I charged the man with attempted bribery in addition to the drunk driving. Now I realize that I may have been too harsh. Perhaps he mistook me for an elected official.

Chris Keller

West Covina
