
Fuhrman Criticized Over Book Faulting Spokane, Wash., Police

From Associated Press

Former LAPD Detective Mark Fuhrman has written a new true-crime book accusing Spokane police of bungling a murder investigation, an allegation they hotly deny.

In “Murder in Spokane: Catching a Serial Killer,” to be released Tuesday, Fuhrman contends that Robert L. Yates could have been caught two years earlier if police had relied less on technology and more on footwork and intuition.

Yates, who confessed to killing 14 people, was arrested in April 2000.

The book drew protests from the two police agencies whose members made up the serial killer task force.


“We’re proud of the fact that we caught our killer . . . and Mark didn’t,” said Spokane County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Cpl. Dave Reagan. “And we don’t want to help him sell his book.”

Sheriff Mark Sterk said Fuhrman had no access to law enforcement files or crime scenes.

“How do you write a factual book when you don’t have information?” he asked.
